Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lost faith in society?

When it comes down to life in general Traver says "As a 24 year old young man I have to admit these days are wild, I'm seeing things that I have heard of happening before but they are so consistent now." On today blog we will be speaking with Mr. Dodorye on how he sees life on a business aspect and a family man aspect. "When it comes down to this special thing that I am happy to call life I have to admit there are a lot of things we as human beings are seeing that may be a sign. The sign of judgment day. I have a child and my family that i love more than anything in this world. I have a passion for art and designing and motivating others but I also know when reality hits. People say don't watch the news its only is there to report, it's all negative which is true in most cases but their job is to report. If you don't know whats going on in the world than where are you living? Yes you are supposed to stay positive at all times but also stay alert.  In the past year of my life I have seen more crazy things then my whole 24 years of living on this earth. Casey Anthony case, Trayvon Martin gets murdered, Celebrities getting married for publicity; Elementary school gets shot up, bombing in Boston, etc. Everything in our world is run behind one thing and that is business. Our next generation is lost due to them not knowing if they want to be a celebrity star for the social media, drug dealer, athlete or go to school. Technology can be the blame but we can't speak on that because it brings so much "money". So we blame the parenting skills but mom and dad are busy trying to keep temporary job to keep the water, light and cable on food on table and roof over our heads and timing is something they seem to have so less of. So we have these young kids running wild and exploring. "Exploring" would be considered as trying to find out ways to escape and learn new things while parents aren't home. Ex: sexual activity, drug abuse, etc. Then we lose faith in education because the education system has turned into a business as well, they are taking away programs from our kids that they feel can cut budgets. So now we have a higher dropout rate. College is now a place more for a short term loan then a degree. I find more students going to school to collect a check then to get a degree. Wait what is a degree today? some degrees don't even guarantee you jobs after graduating or they stop hiring after you've invested 2 or 3 years of your time into the program. Fulltime parent, full time student, and fulltime employee. Talking about the struggle? How is one supposed to survive? Trying to raise a kid and survive in this economy is tough I have to admit. The things they see are all what you don't want them to see. What they learn at such a young age can bring stress. The growth in them is so fragile. A leader still must lead though but it's hard to lead from the back of the line. Students today are so caught up in society they don't don't know where to find themselves, the things that influence them the most didn’t exist back in the days technology and social networks all these things are distraction but fall in the business bracket. Reading to our youth in this day and age is reading twitter updates or instagram statuses. The music is so influential to our youth "Molly" is now the new age drug. So expect the death toll to rise. Weed has become so immune to our youth that people find it as a healing. Everyone is losing faith not only in life but in themselves, their dreams and aspirations. It's all about survival now. You can get robbed and gun down for the littlest simplest thing by the littlest person. Gun violence has grown rapidly its mind wrenching to me. Getting your hand on a gun is too easy. Everyone is living in fear. No one knows when there time is going to come. People aren't following their dreams anymore they are sleeping and living off of wishing and hoping. Is our society shot? Rich and Poor? Democrat and republican? Society is separating us and it is showing every day. I am a proud 24 year old who can admit I have not lost faith, I have not stopped following my dreams, and I have not picked up a joint to relieve my stress.  A change that you want to see in the world you must see in yourself first. So what we do as humans we point the finger when we fail or something goes wrong. It's politics, it's rappers, it's their peers, it's this, it's that...........An excuse is just a good as the person making it. Yes the world is becoming a tougher place to live in, hard to find jobs, hard to get an education, hard to buy a house and keep it, hard to be a parent, hard to survive, hard to become successful. You cannot let society be the reason you drop down dead or commit suicide. So much younger kids committing suicide. We must have faith because if the end is near that is the only thing that will get you to where you want to be? Have faith and become successful. Dream big or live small!

By, Traver Dodorye AKA ArtGuRu

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